Video: SteamWorld Dig 2"s Lead Designer Pitches in With Q & A on Upcoming Sequel
SteamWorld Dig 2 is likely near the top of a number of Switch eShop wishlists, as it’s the long-awaited direct sequel to Image & Form’s breakout hit (as it was back then) on the 3DS eShop. Given the lead role it had in the Nindies Showcase in Switch launch week, it’s evidently a big part of Nintendo’s pitch for the new console’s online store.
The latest episode of Image & Form’s ‘Engine Room’ video series is well worth a watch for those looking forward to the game, as the title’s lead designer joins community manager Julius to answer a whole load of questions. They tackle enquiries on the likes of HD Rumble, the prospects for a physical release and more.
Are you looking forward to digging into this one later in the year?